Ongoing fund raisers
*Residents of the library district are also reminded of our continually ongoing fund raiser, the collection of aluminum cans for recycling. All donated cans are recycled for funds to purchase new books for the library. Bags of cans can be brought directly to the library, or a phone call will bring someone to your place of business or home to pick them up. Funds from our recycling effort are used to purchase new books for the library.
*Also continually ongoing is the sale of used books from those displayed in the library’s foyer. There are books for every taste, and more are added every time sales are made, so the collection of books changes constantly. Prices for these sale books are $.50 for paperbacks and $1 for hardbacks. All children books, hardback or paperback, are $.25. Occasionally there are also audio books, movies, and music CDs for sale with prices posted on them. All funds from these sales are used to purchase new books for the library.
*The Oakley Library also welcomes memorial contributions upon the passing of loved ones or to honor the living. All contributions are acknowledged to the family of the honored person as well as to the contributor. We have a plaque commemorating the names of those for whom memorial contributions have been made. The funds from memorial contributions are always used to purchase new books for the library.